Oh, dear, I'm late! Let's waste no time - please, Mr. Random Number Chooser, who is the winner of Quilting Line + Color?
Oh, it's number 51! So, after a little counting, that's...
I'm emailing you now, lucky lady!
Wanna know why I'm late?

It's pretty much this. I mean, sure, I also baked peanut butter cookies and worked on the magazine quilt today, but mostly this rainbow kept calling me back for more. I need to safely tuck it away so that I can be a bit more industrious with the rest of my night.
I'm getting my scraps in order! Will be back early this week with a materials list for those of you playing along with Bottled Rainbows.
Oh, it's number 51! So, after a little counting, that's...
I'm emailing you now, lucky lady!
Wanna know why I'm late?

It's pretty much this. I mean, sure, I also baked peanut butter cookies and worked on the magazine quilt today, but mostly this rainbow kept calling me back for more. I need to safely tuck it away so that I can be a bit more industrious with the rest of my night.
I'm getting my scraps in order! Will be back early this week with a materials list for those of you playing along with Bottled Rainbows.