Fairy Dust

Remember a few weeks ago when I made a wishIt seems the fabric fairy was listening.  No, Joel Dewbery's Heirloom collection didn't arrive mysteriously on my doorstep, but it just may arrive on yours

what I want...

My newest sponsor, Brenda of Pink Castle fabrics, put together a 1/2 yard bundle of most of the prints I selected to give away to one of you.  So that's like 13 prints = over 6 yards of gorgeous, Heirloom fabric?!?!?

Pink Castle Giveaway

Ok, I'm going to want to see what you make with that!  Brenda, that's incredible generous!

I think we should reward this fabric fairy, don't you?  To show your appreciation, please click on over to the Pink Castle etsy shop and take a look.  I was quite happily surprised to find her homepage full of Folksy Flannel by Anna Maria Horner at $10 a yard.  Flannel makes the perfect backing for a baby quilt, so I just may talk myself into picking up pink or soft orange Diamond Mine for the back of my current work-in-progress.  I'm also making eyes at her offerings by Cosmo Cricket.  Wink.

Enough about me, how about you?  To enter this drawing, I'm curious to know what you heart most in the Pre Cuts & Bundles category at Pink Castle.  I wonder if you'll have hard time choosing between Anna Maria Horner's pearl cotton sets and tried-and-true fabric, fabric, fabric?  Mmmmm, what'll it be? 

Careful what you wish for, cause this seems to be a magic space. 

P.S.  Giveaway ends Saturday, noonish.  This post will be updated with a note about the winner, and I'll contact the winner by email.  I'm leaning towards updating giveaway posts, rather than creating a new post about the winner, just to keep your reader clear.  Let me know if this is a terrible, rotten, bad idea!

P.S.S.  Last giveaway's winner was Sabs, and I still haven't heard from her.  New winner to be drawn on Saturday, if radio silence continues.

******** Updated August 13th
Comments are closed and number 261 is our winner.  That's "QuiltingBren" whom I'm emailing right now.  Also, I am glad to say that Sabs got in touch with me so all our giveaway loose ends are tied up.  Hurray!