I have questions
Q: How much lint does it take to bring your sewing machine to a grinding halt? As in, you cannot turn the hand wheel for anything and your machine refuses to make a single stitch. Even when you take the last-resort side of the machine apart, put it back together and explain to your machine and anyone listening the very serious nature of the matter?

A: Exactly this much lint. Kind of looks like a small rodent? Aparently it had been longer than I thought since I last cleaned under the bobbin case...
Q: How do your readers feel when you put off Loulouthi hand quilting for small, portable hand embroidery? Because you've never done a filled-in satin stitch before and became engrossed in the process of making these flowers. And, now you're hooked on the millions (no zillions!) of French knots that are destined to fill the remaining space?

A: They are ever so gracious. In fact, they're the sweetest people and love to be reminded that you're as distractably human as anyone else.
Q: Does the tooth fairy come during naptimes?

A: I'm guessing not, but why discourage anyone from trying? Aria's attempting to test her theory right now. I'm enjoying a very quiet rest time! Oh, and while I'm digressing, this is a series Aria began last week during her rest time - stuffed animal portraits for her brother, of course. She created the shaded backgrounds with the largest edge of block crayons after we worked together on that technique during form drawing and a led drawing. So, see, she's already learned something in first grade. Ta da!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend filled with questions and answers!

A: Exactly this much lint. Kind of looks like a small rodent? Aparently it had been longer than I thought since I last cleaned under the bobbin case...
Q: How do your readers feel when you put off Loulouthi hand quilting for small, portable hand embroidery? Because you've never done a filled-in satin stitch before and became engrossed in the process of making these flowers. And, now you're hooked on the millions (no zillions!) of French knots that are destined to fill the remaining space?

A: They are ever so gracious. In fact, they're the sweetest people and love to be reminded that you're as distractably human as anyone else.
Q: Does the tooth fairy come during naptimes?

A: I'm guessing not, but why discourage anyone from trying? Aria's attempting to test her theory right now. I'm enjoying a very quiet rest time! Oh, and while I'm digressing, this is a series Aria began last week during her rest time - stuffed animal portraits for her brother, of course. She created the shaded backgrounds with the largest edge of block crayons after we worked together on that technique during form drawing and a led drawing. So, see, she's already learned something in first grade. Ta da!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend filled with questions and answers!