Craft Show {Booth Mock Up}

Happy September!  I love September.  The weather cools (supposed to, anyways).  The leaves start changing.  School is still fresh.  And, it's my birthday month!  All good things.

Indie Parade booth prep

This year, September's arrival means it's craft show time.  I'm leaving on Friday morning to drive to Greenville with my friend, Heather, who will be working with me in the booth all weekend.  Other friends are meeting me there and some even staying over during the three-day event.  It's going to be so much fun!  Or, at least that's what I told Heather like 3 times last night.  I think I'm trying to talk myself out of being nervous.  Nervous I am. 

how does it look?

Yesterday morning I set up the entire booth in my home.  Maybe it wasn't the best time for that, as we had to head out before noon for a Labor Day BBQ.  But, we managed.

Indie Parade booth prep

When all was done I stepped back to take it in and, and I mostly felt scared.  You know, the typical nay-saying thoughts about my work not being good enough, my presentation too simple, my prices way too high!  Now, I'm not focusing on these negative vibes.  That would be naughty.  And, really, there's nothing to do at this point but go through with it and hope for the best!  But, I wanted to air that here, just to keep it real.

 Indie Parade booth prep

The truth is that talented folks who make great stuff sometimes have a bum craft show.  So, it's totally possible that things won't go well for me.  I don't think it's bad to have that real-life perspective.  At the same time, I want to be feeling confident and having fun at the show, because that's part of the point of why I'm there.  And, attitude certainly effects sales. Sooo... I'm not allowed to keep worrying or feeling nervous.  Good vibes ahead!

Indie Parade booth prep

You all have really held my hand through this entire process (you and my local girlfriends).  As with so many things in my life, I wouldn't even be doing this if it weren't for you readers.  It's amazing.  You all are a blessing!

Indie Parade booth prep

Here's something a little lighter I'm trying to brainstorm an idea for my birthday present.  At first I was thinking I'd buy a new couch if things went well at the craft show, since our red one is looking dingy to me.  And then I felt kind of shallow about that and started thinking of "more important" improvements I could make to the house with that money.  Like, new shutters and exterior paint.  Most recently added to the list of ideas?  A dumpster.  Whaaaat?  Yep.  A dumpster rental so we can finally empty our pretty old barn of the junk the previous owners left behind.  This is cracking me up!  Now, I do love throwing things away...

Maybe I should get over to the mall today before I buy a dumpster?

price tags

Not really.  I'm going to head back to pinning price tags on my items and packing them away in boxes to bring to the show.  Because, after I get that done I can sew!  Y'all have a great day.  See you tomorrow!