weekend news
Happy Monday, all! I hope you had a lovely Easter weekend. I know I mentioned that we host an Easter Egg hunt each year for our church small group. It's fun to torture the children with photos right before the hunt...

I was nervous we'd have bad weather, but Saturday was sunny and, even though our organic candy didn't arrive by mail until after the guests had left, the children didn't mind food-coloring-laden, grocery store candy too terribly much...

See, you can tell Liam is suffering. But just not too much.
Brandon and I hid eggs together before the hunt. We try hard to grow nice big weedy grass clumps just for this purpose...

As I went about our rambling yard finding hiding spots, I thought to myself, "Self, you probably shouldn't be wearing high-heeled boots." So, naturally, I twisted my ankle about 5 minutes later. Predictable.
Ah well, I still got my favorite Easter snap shot, the one of the kids opening eggs on my Beach Riot blanket. Color, color.

So I won't be running today, but I will be sewing! I have such a hunger for sewing after doing so much computer work and other stuff lately. I think it's a combination of having a delightful new machine and having taken a bit of a break. I'm raring to go!
In other news, I want to thank you for answering my call for new international volunteers for do. Good Stitches! We received lots of new registrants, to the tune of being able to launch 2-3 new international circles this month! At this point a wait list for the international circles is now forming. If you do not hear from me this week, you are probably on that wait list and I'll contact you when a spot opens. Thank-you!
If you're interested in making quilts to bless others, you can also take part in the Hands 2 Help quilt drive at Confessions of a Fabric Addict. They're collecting quilts this spring for two great charities, one for chemo patients and one for orphans. Smaller quilts work too, which is good news for those of you who are shy about your quilting. Go check it out!
I'll be back today with a quilt-as-you-go tutorial! Talk soon.