Unabashedly Yellow: a mosaic contest
Slow down a minute, my friend, and ponder with me in color.
What is cheerful? What is bold? What is strong, yet simple; never cold? What pop of color always makes a room shine? What hue is a very, very favorite of mine?

Yellow. Unabashedly, yellow. So far from dull.

entry, hello sign, design seeds color palette, meadow
Dream with me a dream of yellow - - - a pop, a bucketful, a hint, a meadow. Find yellow close to earth in warm taupe, rich brown, fresh green, summer peach. Hello, yellow! Center stage, as always.

flowers, paint, umbrellas, skirt, quilt
Which is why I so love yellow, actually - you can. not. go. wrong. It mixes well with ANYTHING. It's too confident to be dissuaded by paltry matters of color theory. And then another day, it comes on sweetly, with a charming note that belies its strength.
Yellow. Unabashedly, yellow. My most versatile friend.
This mosaic contest is closed.