capable little Miss
She's been crafting!
Aria snagged the rest of this Pretty Potent print to make a drawstring bag birthday gift. It was her second go at the pattern, and she put it together lickity split. Proud mama!
But, when I attempted to photograph her make, brother ignited a marathon giggle fit!

Which made me laugh too, but presented practical difficulties. "Stop laughing!" "They'll think you're crying!"

Was rewarded with a grin and
a quite decent shot. She knows I won't give up until I get a good one. Freeze for blog pictures... then resume laughing!
These days, this girl amazes me. Aria (almost 10) loves to do everything on her own, from sewing gifts to writing papers, from baking sugar cookies to managing her school schedule. She's become such a gloriously capable big girl. Not "young woman," OK? Not yet.

Here's a recent start for her, from Sewing School 2. It's to be a quilt for Eleni.

And a recent finish. Ha!
Yep, she's a keeper and is sure to be SUCH a big helper when baby comes. I am one very, very lucky mama.

Aria snagged the rest of this Pretty Potent print to make a drawstring bag birthday gift. It was her second go at the pattern, and she put it together lickity split. Proud mama!
But, when I attempted to photograph her make, brother ignited a marathon giggle fit!

Which made me laugh too, but presented practical difficulties. "Stop laughing!" "They'll think you're crying!"

Was rewarded with a grin and

a quite decent shot. She knows I won't give up until I get a good one. Freeze for blog pictures... then resume laughing!
These days, this girl amazes me. Aria (almost 10) loves to do everything on her own, from sewing gifts to writing papers, from baking sugar cookies to managing her school schedule. She's become such a gloriously capable big girl. Not "young woman," OK? Not yet.

Here's a recent start for her, from Sewing School 2. It's to be a quilt for Eleni.

And a recent finish. Ha!
Yep, she's a keeper and is sure to be SUCH a big helper when baby comes. I am one very, very lucky mama.