Scrap Sewing

Care for a little scrap sewing?  My summertime students at Patchwork from Scrap are just finishing up the premiere version of my latest class, and registration for the fall version will open next Monday (the 29th).  I'm tweaking a few things based on their feedback, including adding an extra week for students to work on their quilts before presenting the crumb scraps projects.

Patchwork from scrap

Based on their comments, it seems to have been a helpful experience for many:
Thank you for a fun and useful class! My scraps were a hot mess and I always had trouble deciding on what I should keep. I think I still keep more than I will probably use, but I am keeping less overall and that makes me feel good. :) I also have a good place to put them...while I don't have the space to really separate by color, I can at least separate the scrap by type and that is a huge help! I also had the time to make a couple of projects from the class, which I almost never do...I think favorite project was the Sprout Mini.  - Jeanne
I'm thinking of all these great projects as Christmas gifts this year. I'm on a self-imposed tight budget and handmade gifts is way more fun than buying stuff anyway. Besides, I have all the scraps already! - Steph
Sprout mini quilt {project}
Thank you for this terrific class, Rachel! The biggest surprise to me came from seeing my scraps anew when I sorted according to type (and by warm or cool) instead of by color. And to think I almost skipped this step because I thought the color sorting I'd previously done was pretty nice already! Taking the first two weeks to think about, sort, and organize scraps was a great way to start this class, even though I, like many others, I'd guess, was itching to start sewing. Thank you for laying a strong foundation before we headed into the fun projects. The projects themselves are excellent, and I again appreciated your attention to detail in the instructions... I made a pixel pillow and a ticker tape bag, and I have in progress I hope to once again join you in some future class!  - Anne
That was great to read through and also to watch the video.  Last week's info did motivate me to fold and organize my fabric... It feels great to be on the road to organization, and I must admit just going into my sewing area now has a different feel! So much better! - Stephanie
Separating by shape has made sorting my scraps DOABLE to my mind for the first time ever. I knocked it out in about an hour last weekend and now tackling these projects feels like something I can do! - MaryAnn
 Framed project

Today I've sent all students their permanent reference of Patchwork from Scrap, in the form of a 100+ page pdf document with linked table of contents.  Links throughout make it easy to navigate and help students access class videos too.  I always turn my classes into pdf digital books that include the complete class - all lessons and projects - for their personal sewing library.  It's my goal as a teacher to combine the motivation of a real-time class with the convenience of permanent access to information and projects, so students can always go back to make anything they didn't have time for during the live class.

Potholder project

If you are planning to join us this fall in the encore of Patchwork from Scrap, please tune in next week to register!  For the first week of registration, the fee is $55.00; afterwards, it is $65.00.  Class will run September 12th through October 20th.  You can take a peak at the detailed class description here.

Let me know if you have any questions!