Wide Backing giveaway!

Today I am ready to assemble the quilt-as-you-go blocks that are my current work in progress. After some no-fuss machine sewing, I'll baste the twin-sized quilt top to a large, one-piece backing from Connecting Threads. (You know... the one I forgot to use last time!)

I'll be documenting the finishing process today and tomorrow so I can share it as a tutorial for you. I think that'll be ready to go live tomorrow! Meanwhile, I wonder if you have a quilt top (or two or three) in need of a backing? How about an extra-wide backing that requires not a single bit of sewing or cutting?
Yeah, I thought you'd be interested!
I love using "wide backings" for bed quilts especially. Not only are bed quilts somewhat unwieldy, their backings tend to be unappreciated. Why go to work piecing a fun backing if it's destined to be hidden on a bed? After sewing all the many, many blocks needed for a full, twin, queen or king quilt, I'm all about a quicker finish. So, wide backings it is!
Check out Connecting Threads' large selection of affordable wide yardage here. Our winner will receive 2.5 yards of her choice in continuous wide yardage! This prize ships everywhere that Connecting Threads currently ships: United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia.
To enter, add your comment to this post now through noon (eastern time) on Friday, August 26th. Tell us in your comment which extra-wide fabric you'd choose. Be sure to include your email so I can contact you if you win!
Good luck!
******************Comments Closed*********************
Congrats to Suzanne, who wrote comment #5. Mr. Random has chosen you! I'll be in touch via email to arrange your prize.