Patchwork Quilt ideas for String Scraps

I have a problem, a perfectly delightful problem = too many string scraps.

I sort my long, thin fabric strip scraps (i.e. strings) into four groups: red/pink, yellow/orange, blue/green and purple/neutral. For over a year now, my blue/green fabric strings have been too big for their typical container. I moved them to a larger basket, where they only seemed to multiple faster. I really should get them back under control prior to our move, right?

Piles of Strings crop. Stitched in Color.jpg

In fact my purple/neutral scraps are also outgrowing their home, which brings to mind a lovely color scheme: blue, purple and neutral. Yes! It’s wintry, with a hint of spring. But how to sew them into a quilt?

This weekend I browsed through my Patchwork Pinterest board, Flickr favorites and Instagram saves to find ideas for a string quilt. Here are some that caught my eye.

Well, that’s a lot of good ideas! Each idea should link to the maker. The world is brimming with inspiration, isn’t it?

Piles of Strings. Stitched in Color.jpg

It was hard to choose, but eventually I settled on the most obvious - log cabins. I’ve already started sewing and I’m love-love-loving the process and the results. When I want to relax, it feels so good to indulge in a new scrap quilt. This one lets me use string scraps of all lengths and widths, plus requires no background fabric.

Scrappy Log Cabin blocks. Stitched in Color.jpg

I hope you’ll have a chance to unwind and sew during winter break, as well. Here’s to stay-at-home, holiday sewing!