HST + Circle Squares, January's sewing is here!

Hello, hello! At last we can truly get started with sewing these Pas de Deux quilts. Are you so excited? I am! I quite enjoy seeing your ideas for colors and fabrics. There really are so many ways to make something beautiful.

Before I forget, today is the last day that the Annual Membership is on sale.  Hope you can join us, if you haven’t already!

In January we start strong with two patchwork groups, instead of the usual one. I know we all have the most energy at the start of the project, so I figured we may as well begin with a bang!

First, the scraps. These blues and purples are for my HST (Half Square Triangle) patchwork group. This group uses our smallest scrap size - 2.5” square. For some reason using the smallest scraps makes me the most happy.

Psst - - - There was an error in the original Prelude document and in early downloads of the January delivery. If you downloaded January as soon as it was published on Friday, this update is for you. For HST in color B you need (26) 2.5” squares, not 3.5” squares. I was sure I had saved this correction, but somehow it wheedled its way in. Oopsie! If you cut yours 3.5”, you’ll need to trim down to 2.5”. Sorry about that! You can download a fresh, corrected version of January by clicking on the download button again in your club email.

Half square triangles never fail to sparkle! Using scraps gives them an extra layer of fun.

The HST group remains in three pieces, awaiting further quilt assembly. Aren’t they cuties?

Next up are blue and yellow scraps, more generously sized this time. This second group for January makes use of what might be a new-to-you technique. Applique!

Applique is definitely the best way to make a smooth, complete circle for patchwork. It’s straightforward and satisfying to do. With a tip from one of my Dutch longarm clients, I invested in Karen Kay Buckley’s Bigger Perfect Circles (available in the EU and USA) for this project. This product is a set of crisp, mylar circle forms , which are convenient for pressing as you create the circle shapes.

The Pas de Deux club includes a printable template for our circle and instructions on how to proceed without Karen’s product, fyi. I just like to share when I have found a tool particularly useful. The Perfect Circles is a nice upgrade, if you like applique.

I appliqued my circles by hand, which I highly recommend. It doesn’t take long and makes a lovely finish. You might be surprised how much you enjoy the process!

In January’s delivery you’ll also find instructions for appliquéing via machine, in case that’s more your speed. Choose your favorite method if you already know or, if you’re new to applique, plan to try both over the course of the year as we sew Pas de Deux.

Above are my Pas de Deux groups, which I’d already shared with you in the months leading up to the club release. All these empty spots are begging to be filled! Below is the current status, with January’s blocks added in. It’s starting to look like a quilt.

I know it’s hard to wait until the next installation of Pas de Deux. Each month’s sewing assignment is actually so doable in a day or at most two.

Kudos to those of you who have already finished January’s patchwork dance, like @der_rabe_im_schlamm. Wow! I am enjoying your beautiful beginnings at #PasdeDeuxQuilt.

Don’t forget, today is the last day to join at the sale price!

Giveaway Winners!

Our Big Scrappy Giveaway is closed, so it’s time to declare a passel of winners. Here we go:

Congratulations everyone! I have already contacted each winner via Instagram messaging. Hoping to see those scraps show up in your project soon!