introducing Pas de Deux for 2022

If you’ve been following along, dear reader, you know that I’m planning something special for us to share in 2022. I’ve been keeping you in some suspense this last month, as I shared four distinct groups of scrappy patchwork that belong to the project: Sawtooth Burst, Postage Stamps, Still Point and Orange Peel.

Did you wonder how those could ever marry together in one quilt? Today you’ll see what I have created! My fingers and toes are crossed that you like it!!

my Process

This is where it begins. I can hole away for hours putting pencil to paper in my graph paper quilt journal. Some parts come easily and others are erased and re-drawn over and over and yet over again.

I desired to design a quilt that would bring together diverse patchwork elements in a fun, unexpected way. Like every quilter, I love to start a new project, but I don’t necessarily need to make a whole quilt to satisfy my appetite for a shape. I imagined a playful quilt with distinct patchwork sections that sort of interweave or fade into one another.

After days of sketching, I took the design to Inkscape, to develop it digitally and experiment with colors. Along the way, it continued to evolve. One night I woke up in the wee hours and charted key revisions to the layout in my head - and that when I thought it was already finished!

a Patchwork Ballet

Early on I decided that this quilt, for me at least, would be a scrap quilt. I just love scrap quilts! Now, scrap quilts are often colorful, all the better to use our many different scraps. Sometimes using random scraps without much of a plan works well, but I sensed that with my quilt design a completely carefree use of color might feel too chaotic. After all, a quilt sampler is naturally visually complex.

As I sketched, the patchwork spun and danced, bringing to mind a pas de deux, which is a dance for two. Aha! Each patchwork grouping can be visually organized as two main colors. This simple construct provides guidance for color choices while leaving room to explore many joyful pairings. Thus, the quilt is named Pas de Deux!


Pas de Deux Quilt

full spectrum variation

This is the version of Pas de Deux that I’m making, but I couldn’t stop here. I’ve also mocked up two more color palettes, which I’ll share with you in the days to come!

Pas de Deux BOM


Would you enjoy a fresh quilty challenge? Join us as we bring this modern sampler quilt to life, sewing group by group of beautifully interwoven patchwork throughout 2022.

Wedge Crosses, Postage Stamp Stars, Transparency, Orange Peel, Still Point, Sawtooth Burst and so much more - each patchwork ensemble is its own lovely dance. Together they make up a stunning repertoire that’s as delightful to behold as it is to sew.

Unlike other sampler quilts, you won’t make just one block in each style. Instead, Pas de Deux invites you to dig into each shape and repeat it for awhile, before moving onto something new. It’s a stimulation combination of novelty and repetition!

On Sale the first week of Registration!

Skill level: Suitable for intermediate quilters. During the course of the year, you will learn techniques for applique, partial seams, foundation paper piecing and y-seams. No prior experience with these techniques is assumed. Advanced quilters will also enjoy the journey, I’m sure!

Size: 64” x 76” throw quilt

Schedule: Monthly digital BOM deliveries run January through December 2022