Candy Box scraps
Hip, hip, hooray - new fabric!
A package just arrived from Fenceline Fabrics with fabrics for my next quilt. The quilt is called Postage Stamp Stars, and it’s a spin-off from the Postage Stamp group in Pas de Deux quilt. That patchwork group was just begging to become a full quilt!
All Pas de Deux club members will receive the Postage Stamp Stars pattern as a bonus with their February delivery.
Like Pas de Deux, Postage Stamp Stars is a scrap-friendly quilt. It combines yardage and scraps, and the pattern is written so that you can use more or less scraps, as desired. I’ve chosen to use mainly Speckled fabrics for my yardage elements, all the better to harmonize with the scrappy parts.
Postage Stamp Stars could be sewn in a simple two-color formula, like we’ve done for Pas de Deux. But I noticed that there is a lot of potential with this quilt for delightful, unexpected secondary patterns. Even a plaid effect! Take a look at these mock ups:
Candy box color way
Evening Ember color way
Super fun, right? And super different. It was hard to choose. I would have probably chosen Evening Ember in the fall, but come January it’s fun to sew brighter things. I chose the Candy Box palette and dug into all my small scrap bins, cutting little jewels of color.
Delish. For this scrap quilt lover, it almost doesn’t get better than that. I don’t know, I just LOVE cutting scraps to prep for a project!
Anyhoo, while I was waiting for my yardage to arrive from Fenceline Fabrics, I went ahead with the scrap elements of the quilt. I’ve sewn charming little color quartets - - -
And sweet, understated low-volume ones. All of these 4-patch blocks will become the center of patchwork elements.
Now that my package has arrived from Fenceline, I’ll be cutting into it straight away. First up are this array of gray scraps, which I needed to bolster my own selection. That’s right, I didn’t have enough gray scraps! Can you believe it? Yep, that’s because I don’t sew with dark gray very often, people. True story.
Would you also like to sew a Candy Box version of Postage Stamp Stars? Fenceline Fabrics is making up quilt kits for the yardage elements and they’re offering $2 scrap packs as well. Find everything you need at their Postage Stamp Stars page. Thank you very much for shopping with my sponsors.
Ok, I have an hour left until Elora is done with school today. I’m going to spend it sewing!