now accepting Quilting Orders!
Hello, friends. I have very good news! This week we moved into a new apartment in The Netherlands, where we will be living until purchasing our home. My family crew lugged our Gammill longarm machine piece by piece up the apartment stair shaft and into our new living room. It was exhausting! But today is the reward - Brandon is setting up the machine.

I can’t tell you how happy I am to unwrap the plastic we wound around all the metal pieces, to guard against rust on her ocean journey. Everything looks perfect! This weekend I’ll be testing the machine on my own quilt tops. I expect to begin work on customer quilts just as soon as they arrive.
hooray - I’m officially open for business!
Now accepting quilting orders for customers located anywhere in the European Union.
Interested? Here are some helpful links:
Please let me know if you have any questions or any concerns. I can’t wait to get back to work helping to finish your special projects with a stunning, durable texture.
Rachel Hauser