A Colorful Thread: May 2021
Weaving together my life as a maker and other spheres of life.
Best of Stitched in Color {May}
On My Mind
Experimenting:: with planning a vacation in France this summer. It sounds unreal to this American-grown girl, but we can travel by train from Amsterdam to Paris in just over 3 hours. Now, we wouldn’t stay in Paris, as my family is more drawn to the ocean and mountains, but you can get anywhere from Paris.
Planning a getaway this summer requires flexible thinking and travel insurance. It’s no easy task, but we haven’t done something like this since 2014, so it feels like time. This is our last full summer with Aria, can you believe it? I’d like to make it extra special and create new family memories that include all five of us in our favorite nature places.
Les Calanques, somewhere I’d love to visit this summer, not far from Hyères
We will travel affordably by train using Interrail passes. So far we’re looking at a week in Hyères (on the coast between Marseille and Nice) to play by the sea, and then we’d like to spend a few days in the mountains before heading home. The tricky part has been figuring out how to travel by train to the mountains into an area that is nicely rugged. Of course, the more mountainous, the more difficult for public transportation! I’ve considered Chamonix, Annecy and Aix-les-Bains. If you have a better suggestion, do tell!
Reading:: This month book club met in my garden to discuss a book by Katrina Kenison “Mitten Strings for God.” Katrina’s books are a blend of memoir and inspiration. I first read Mitten Strings (about parenting) when Aria and Liam were young, as our family culture was emerging. Reading it again was interesting, like opening a time capsule. I was surprised that the book didn’t fit me quite as well. Depending upon where you are in life’s journey, you might also like “The Gift of an Ordinary Day” and “Magical Journey”. Each of these books resonated with me deeply at one time in my life.
Celebrating:: a make from @Hofferers. She used my free Economy Block Tutorial to make these amazing blocks. I recognize many of these vibrant prints from Anna Maria Horner’s Conservatory collections. What a beautiful way to use them! I can’t wait to see her quilt continue to grow.
Anticipating:: our Economy Star Parade quilt along which starts just a week from today. This quilt comes together fast, when you have a plan. I’m looking forward to seeing my newest version come to fruition.
Plus, it’s just so fun to sew these blocks and to see the ones you sew. Fussy cutting never gets old, does it? Each one is a little piece of art.
There’s a buzz all around, as the pace of life seems to be picking up. The world is opening up again, vaccinations are rolling out and friends and family can make plans to see each other again. It’s exciting. Energizing! Sometimes rocky. We’ve missed some things, but we’ve also benefited from a slow, homey lifestyle. This will be another adjustment, don’t you think?
Today we celebrate a family milestone - two years living in The Netherlands. We’ve decided to give this family holiday a name: “Best Day Ever”. Of course, that is over-the-top, but Elora was wearing a dress with those words when we crossed the Atlantic (yep, totally intentional) and it captures the moment for us. We were that excited then, and we’re just as pleased now. Last night we went out for ice cream sundaes to toast our family’s success. The move will always be something brave we did together that connects us in a special way. I love that!
Rachel Hauser