A Colorful Thread: July 2024

Weaving together my life as a maker and other spheres of life.

On My Mind

Experimenting:: with the idea of hanging rugs as tapestries. My boyfriend Aart wants to add much more color, texture and warmth to his home. His enclosed, turning staircase connects the living room with the second floor. With unadorned, white walls and white steps, the stairwell is a huge blank canvas. Wouldn’t it be cool to hang rugs of various sizes and styles on the walls to fill up this empty space?

We’ve already visited a local secondhand shop and photographed some favorite vintage options. The idea is to make a sort of rug collage. I am imagining that I could sew hanging sleeves on the back to hang the rugs with a wooden dowel, as with a quilt. What do you think?

Reading:: Het Onzichtbare Leven van Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab. I am happily re-reading a big, fat book that I read years ago in English - The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Reading it is Dutch is a pleasure, as the writing is modern and relatively easy, yet peppered with interesting words. If you are unfamiliar with this best seller, it is a historical fiction fantasy about a young woman who is cursed but (300 hundred years later) finds love and happiness despite it all.

Celebrating:: Since I’ve just finished a spin-off of my Dear Dottie quilt pattern, I thought it would be fun to celebrate the real thing. This Dear Dottie was sewn by Carola Koubek @mir_a_laska. I love how it looks hanging over her cheery yellow sofa. Patchwork makes the world a cozier place!

Anticipating::  our summer travels. At last, it’s time for vacation! I have been preparing behind the scenes to be away from home during most of August. Blog posts are written, plans are carefully laid, and flights are booked. First I will be spending two weeks in America with family and friends from South Carolina. My eldest child, Aria, is getting married and settling down in South Carolina. I am looking forward to warm southern weather, great beaches, Charleston and some favorite American restaurants. Then, at the end of August, Aart and I have ten days in Corsica! I can’t wait to immerse myself in the island’s Mediterranean beauty and culture. I promise to share photos and memories on the other side.

Featured Freebie

Fabric Headband Tutorial

Stitched in Color includes a library of free tutorials, more than 10 years in the making. Each month I’ll feature one to spread the good news.

Kid-Friendly Summer Sewing! This simple tutorial creates an elastic headband to fit a baby or child, up to approximately three years old.  Turn a fabric scrap into a sweet headband to tame that little one's locks!

p.s. Just make it longer to fit a larger child ;)

August will be a little different in this space, since I am traveling a lot. Then again, maybe you are too! Still, you can expect regular blog posts from me. The 30 Days of Quilt Design challenge is very portable, so I am looking forward to taking it with me everywhere I go. That, and some hand stitching, of course. I know that when I return to regular routines in September, I am going to feel recharged and freshly inspired by my travels. Here’s wishing you the same refreshment!

