Rainbow Patchwork pattern round-up
If you want to sew literal rainbows here is a happy host of patterns to choose from. Do you prefer a scrappy look for your arches? Modern minimalist? Something artsy or something sweet? What about technique? You might choose applique or curved piecing. Choices, choices! Should you ever find yourself searching for rainbow arcs, this round up of rainbow patchwork patterns will be standing ready.
Friends all Around
by Modern Quilt Studio
A staggered layout suits a scrappy rainbow collection perfectly. Friends All Around utilizes curved piecing to create just two rainbow arcs and colorful quarter-circle centers.
14” wide rainbow blocks

After the Rain
by Quilter’s Candy
This unusual rainbow shape would be right at home in a modern home, especially in minimalist colors. After the Rain utilizes curved piecing and straight piecing to create three, dramatic rainbow arches.
20” square rainbow blocks
Rainbow Falls
by Wren Collective
Here’s another curve-pieced rainbow quilt, but this time with a twist - HST showers! This design also has thick arches, which creates a bigger overal rainbow.
22” rainbow wide blocks

by Caroline Friedlander
I love the variety of arc shapes in this modern applique quilt. The technique is beginner needle turn applique and an acrylic template set is also available.

Sunshowers Quilt
by Megan Collins
Here’s something special - these arches are pieced curves but they have a slightly stretched shape rather than a pure, quarter-circle form. Megan’s design has a whopping 4 arcs.
15 1/2” wide rainbow blocks

Retro Rainbow
by Megan Collins
Go big! This oversized rainbow is made from large, pieced curves. Large curves are actually easier to sew than small ones, so this could be your quilt if you are just getting started with sewing curves.
42” x 25” rainbow block