Helpful Fabrics from The Confident Stitch
What? Are we nearing the end of September already? This month has flown by in a blink. It is high time that I share some of the fabrics I picked up in the States this summer.
But first, do you remember my blog post The Colors I Need? In it I highlighted the colors that I am missing in my fabric stash. When colors are missing, I feel like a painter without the right paint. Luckily The Confident Stitch was able to help me with some of my target colors!

Here are my fabric additions, starting from top center and working round clockwise:

As you can see, I chose three versions of Art Gallery’s Decostitch Elements fabric. I know from experience that this basic works well with my aesthetic. The print is clear, but tonal. Because it doesn’t include white or black, each Decostitch Elements fabric feels full of color, like a solid. The Confident Stitch stocks them in a ton of gorgeous colors. These will get put to use quickly, I’m sure!

As you can see, I found quite a few warm options in the colors I need! The Speckled fabric at bottom left is my target shade. That’s the sort of burgundy that I want most. While none of my new fabrics are exactly the same, several are in the ballpark. I knew, in fact, that the bottom right fabric (Expanded Aim Ruby) was going to be quite red. But, while shopping for burgundy, I realized that this sort of mature, saturated, tonal red is something I could also use. You know how that works ;)

It was funny to see that Tiny Stripes Honesty coordinates absolutely perfectly with Twilight Purple moss print from Heather Ross, which was an inspiration print in The Colors I Need blog post. Cool purples are not my strong suit, but I am learning.
Ok, with these acquisitions I am closer to being able to sew a quilt like this mock up. Yay!