#30DaysofQuiltDesign winner @DebiLeaHassler

Drumroll for our next winner - - -

Remember folks, this is a 30 day challenge, but you have 3 months to complete the task! Log 30 design moments now through September - that’s the goal. We’re about halfway through our challenge, but I have only logged 10 designs. I better get busy! Click over to 30 Days of Quilt Design for more details.

Today I visited our Instagram hashtag #30DaysofQuiltDesign to locate our random winner. Congratulations to @DebiLeaHassler whose PreQuilt design Crimson and Clover was randomly selected!

Crimson and clover

day no. 11 @DebiLeaHassler

Debi created this curvy design using Prequilt’s free demo version. I am intrigued by her color placement. Even though Debi has used just two colors, the placement feels random and playful so that my eye wants to search for patterns. Well done!

in and out

day no. 9 @DebiLeaHassler

Ah, this one is so cute! The colors and stripes, I suppose, are what initially grabbed me. To me the pointing shapes look vaguely like castles. The echoing chains of squares create a nice sense of movement and space.

a nation divided against itself

Day no. 7 @DebiLeaHassler

Wow, that’s impactful, Debi. You could sew something like this using a slash and insert technique. All the little pieces would be ideal to appliqué, I suppose. If only unity were something we could likewise sit down and sew - - -


Big Thanks to prequilt!

This 30 Days of Quilt Design prize was gifted by PreQuilt, the newest sponsor of Stitched in Color. Thank you for encouraging our creativity!